Q. Are you all volunteers?
A. Yes! Every Silent Rider is a volunteer.
Q. I am from a museum, school, non-profit, or community event. Will the Silent Riders participate in an event for us?
A. Yes, as long as your event has some historical aspect, such as commemorating a historic event, promoting western heritage, or some other connection to the history of the Comstock.
Q. Do you charge or accept donations?
A. No, but If we are appearing at an event for you, we just ask that you be mindful that we are volunteering our time and have simple refreshments available.
Q. I see a lot of you carrying guns. Are they real?
A. Usually yes. In the state of Nevada, the open carry of firearms is legal. Rest assured, your safety is priority one. Please don't ask us to draw our guns, and NEVER EVER grab or tug on them, they may be loaded with real bullets or theatrical blanks and you may not get the result you anticipated, either way they are very dangerous if handled improperly. BTW, Only theatrical blanks are ever used in parades.
The Virginia City Silent Riders are "Shooter Safety Trained" for parades and events, approved by the Sheriff department and county.
Q. Do you give tours around town?
A. Tours are organized by the Virginia City Visitor's Center, located on the corner of C Street & Taylor. Some Slient Riders are also Docents, but our group doesn't act as a tour guide service.
Q. Are you here every day?
A. Yes and no. We dont have a schedule, and most of us work full time jobs. The best time to find us in groups are weekends, but most weekdays you'll find at least one or two.
Q. Can you tell me about the town's history?
A. Yes! Every member can speak to the history of the town, and if they don't know the answer to a specific question, chances are they will know who does.
Q. Can you give me directions to.......?
A. Yes! We want you to have a great experience in Virginia City, so we love being helpful.
Q. Do you do private events like weddings?
A. Generally no. Our mission is promoting the history of Virginia City and the Comstock. We focus on community, educational and not-for-profit events, and we are not entertainers.
Q. How many members do you have?
A. As of May 2023, we have just over 95+ members.
Q. Do you all live here?
A. Some members live and work on the Comstock, and some live in the surrounding communities.
Q. Where did the name 'Silent Riders' come from?
A. Since law & order was often scarce on the frontier, citizens would form "Vigilance Committees" to keep an eye on the community and deal with crime. When a problem arose, the Silent Riders would discreetly spread the word to other members that help was needed. Using this approach, members could remain largely anonymous to the general public.
Q. Why the red ribbon?
A. The red ribbon was tied around a tree, pole, post, or other visible place to let other Silent Riders know where an action was going to occur. Now, the ribbon is often displayed outside of an establishment to show we are inside and as an invitation to come in and visit with us!
Q. Why The Noose & Badge?
A. The Noose was an early means of justice in the old west. Usually Bank robbers, Rapists and repobates of that sort were hung. The ONlY people that were hung in Virginia City were Cornish, French and Irish men accused of heinous crimes. The Badge is only to distinguish the Silent Riders from other folks that dress up in vintage clothing, and yes, of course the original Vigilantes did not wear badges!
Q. May we take a picture with you?
A. Yes, we actually encourage it and its FREE of charge, we do ask that you email us a copy so we can add you to our visitors photo gallery!
Q. I see lots of people around Virginia City in Old West & Victorian attire. Are they all Silent Riders?
A. No, there are several groups and individuals in Virginia City that keep the history of the town alive through activities and period attire. Some regular folks just want to step back in time for a day and rent outfits to walk around town! Silent Riders will have a badge, lapel pin or pendant, a red ribbon, or challenge coin to identify themselves.
Q. Want to learn more about Virginia City?
A. click
If you have any further questions, feel free to drop us a line
A miner named James Finney, who was more often called “Old Virginny” from his birthplace, and while drunk, dropped a bottle of whiskey on the ground and he christened the newly founded tent-and-dugout town “Old Virginny Town” in honor of himself. This is where Virginia or Virginia City was birthed.
Virginia City Silent Riders
Virginia City, Nevada, United States of America
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