You will also find many, if not all Silent Riders carrying reproductions of these iconic Pistols on their hips, yet another symbol of Wild West Vigilant Law.
A Bowie knife is a pattern of fixed-blade fighting knife created by James Black in the early 19th century for Jim Bowie
Peter Larkin's Last Appeal "A Hanging On B Street"
Article courtesy of Janice Oberding
A typical flyer distributed in small towns that were teeming with reprobates and buncos.
The hangman’s knot or hangman’s noose gains its name from its original use for the execution of a murderer. It is a type of noose knot that is thought to be invented in the UK from where it spread to the other parts of the world. It is also known as a collar, where the term "Hang him by the collar" was birthed.
The Stagecoach came from Sacramento, Reno, & Carson City to Virginia City daily, with stops at Gold Hill & Silver City.
Virginia City Silent Riders
Virginia City, Nevada, United States of America
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